Thursday, July 15, 2021

Save A Semi Ride A Trucker T Shirt

Save A Semi Ride A Trucker T Shirt

Gives a Save A Semi Ride A Trucker T Shirt remote doctors visits and hospital check ins the power to waive certain federal licensure requirements so the doctors from other states can provide services in states with the greatest need but to the ability to waive requirements that critical access hospitals limit the number of beds to 25 and a length of stay to 96 hours the ability to waive the requirements of a three day hospital stay prior to admission to a nursing home big thing the authority to waive the rules to end a hospitals ability to bring additional physicians on board or obtain needed office space taken do is they want they can do what they have to do they know what they have to do now they don’t have any problem getting it done the authority to waive rules that severely restrict where hospitals can care for patients within the hospital itself ensuring that the emergency capacity can be quickly established will remove or eliminate every obstacle necessary to deliver a people the care that they need and that they’re entitled to. Nobody here is going to react badly for tiny jester rideand a figure wandering through a posh department store even then people will notice that they may only notice because I think of the knife to see two days holding hands in Publix but they still notice I don’t want them to notice because then our small intimate private little human jester has been turned into a statementand I don’t want it to be turned into a statement our little private jester like Schrödinger’s task is altered simply by being observed we live in this sort of homophobic worldand you might think that a small little thing like holding hands in public was just a small thingand you’re right it is indeed just a small thing but it is one of many small things that make us humanand there are lots of small things every day that LGBT people have to put up with that other people don’t have to put up with lots of small things that we have to but in order to be safe or not to be the object of ridicule or scornand we are expected to put up with those things I just thank our blessings that we don’t live in a country where we can be imprisoned or executed for being gayand we are so used in making those small adjustments every day that even now we rarity ourselves even notice that were doing it because it is just part of the background of our life is constant malign presence that we have assimilatedand if we complain about what we are told we have nothing to complain about because aren’t you lucky that you don’t live in Ugandaand yes I am lucky that I don’t live in Uganda but that’s not good enough this isn’t some sort of gamer competition where the person who has of the worst when the right to complainand everybody else had to just put up or shut up our society is homophobic it is infused with homophobia it is ripping with homophobia when you are 45 years old son you have spent 30 years putting out 30 years absorbing all of those small slightsand intimidationsand smearsand occasionally much worse you just get tired of it you get fed up putting up I am fed up of reading yet another article by yet another state versus explaining why I am less somehow than everybody else you get fed up listening to people described you as intrinsically disordered people who don’t even know you from their celibate pulpits you get fed up of the scrawled graffitiand you get fed up with people sneeringly describe things as did you get fed up of stealing yourself to pass by the Saturday night drunks hoping that they won’t notice youand you get fed up of people using their timeand energyand talent to campaign against you being treated just like every other citizen think these days you’ll find those very vocal homophobic clustered around the same sex marriage debateand it is quite the spectacle because what they know that they can’t come just right outand bluntly say what drives them which is an animus towards gay people Anna discussed what they imagine we do in bed because they know that that won’t wash with the general public anymore so they are forced to scramble for any other reason that they can think of to know argue their case so your gay people are going to destroy the institution of marriage to gay couples will be wandering through orphanages digging babies off shelf trying to find one that matches their UI TSO facts for that you are allowing gay people to get married will destroy society itselfand many many more including my own personal favorite is with the old argument that’s the word marriage is defined in some dictionary or other as a union between a manand a womanand that therefore same sex marriage can’t possibly be a marriage which is eight Kissling arguments against wordsand dictionariesand not an argument against same sex marriage of course now course the other real driver of homophobiaand you can all put your pearls here because I’m going to go here is a discussed with gay sex in particular with gay male sex the poor old lesbians just get caught the homophobic crossfire guilty by association because what they really don’t like is a no sex sodomy your bug orand they assume that that is all we do they feverishly imagine that we spent all day jumping around buttering each other’s on itand in fact what they actually do is recuse us down to this one sex at whether or not we do it at all I am 45 years oldand I am fed up putting up so I’m not anymore I’m 45 years old I’m not putting up anymore as I don’t have the energy anymore putting up is exhausting I am 45 years oldand I’m not putting up anymore because I don’t have the patience anymore 45 years old I was more to six months before the Stonewall riotsand you have had 45 years to work out that despite appearances I am just as ordinary just as unremarkableand just as human as you are I’m 45 years oldand I am not asking anymore I am just being human being thank you for your time there man elder brother Mikeand the daughter of parents were both empathetic Qand loving of the LGBT community in my household being gay wasand is no big deal but my brother came out we had them send the London now is that when you home his first boyfriend when he brought his first boyfriend now husband home for a couple of weeks on Christmas my father’s only comment to my mother was trying not to make supper underwear we had no idea that I would become recognizable because of my workand that we would become publicly labeled as having an alternative family lifestyle just for the record we don’t feel that there is actually anything alternative about our family values will for semantic reasons only it to some hesitation that I have the HIC ally award I don’t consider myself justand analyze the LGBT community I consider myself your family doing well do you with our familiesand loving you support you completely accept you as you are as I hope you do meand if anyone ever tries to hurt you given how there are many people who this many to say there are people who has said that I’m being brave for being openly supportive of gay marriage gay adoption basically of the rights that with all due respect I humbly sent I’m not being braveand being a decent human being even a word for that or for merely stating what I believe to be true that love is a human experience not a political statement we continue to put this movement forward close the gap we must demand full equality for all they say that this country is freeand they say that this country is equal but it is not equal to fix some time Obama I know that you’re listening will continue to push youand your administration to bring your words of promise to a reality we need to change now we demand actions nowand to Barney Frank we are putting more than pressure on this graphand today the grass is ours we will only do they continue to do the work in our own backyards with local politicians in my backyard as a woman in pop music as a woman with the most beautiful gay fans in the whole world you I refuse to accept any misogynisticand homophobic behavior in the lyrics or action in the music industry today continues I will equality for all I love you all so much in meaning really is wild for me to be standing here this is not been an easy journey for me at all I lived with a sense of shame for a long long time every single interview I did I dodge that dreaded question are you gay I tried it to be witty I tried to find ways to get around itand my answer was always my private life is my private lifeand it is but my sexuality is as much a part of me is my skin color we we we do whatever it takes you know we we try to justify why it’s importantand I tried’s for a long time did to justify why it should be hidden for as long as I couldand I finally got to the point where it was more important for me to live my life honestlyand then to be proud of who I am than my fameand ironically soon as I was honest I became a famous so much for those people who said it would ruin my career I really felt like the I was risking everything you because I had been worn for so long about what was going to doand I was willing to do risk alland and I was more than I could possibly even imagined my life is so goodand I found loveand what’s more important than that I hear stories all the time nowand it’s amazing what it does when you open up people that come to hear storiesand I get letters from people who tell me how I’ve touched their lifeand in in some wayand a letter from the 76 year old lesbian who said she can’t believe this happened in her lifetime now I have a meeting at all this to know that there were lesbian 76 years old lightning it it’s amazing you know I this man walked up to me in the street he was in the 70s or 80s a he’s watching me was in his 50s olderand he said I could love or respect you moreand I have everywhere I go I want down the streetand I have been in New York the past weekand I have construction workers giving me the thumbs up I have people’s dreaming out as they pass in the car giving the thumbs up I have menand women you know straight gay black white everybody coming up saying thank youand Iand and I keep it upand congratulations I have children coming out in just saying we think you’re funny now contribution you know it I got into this business very accidentallyand I worked out very well for me that I really a lot of people getting it for the for the success the same inand I am you realize that’s not really what life is about when you make the kind of change that that happened in my life when I did this my whole life turned aroundand I know I’ve done something I know when I leave here I’ve really done something it feels good I never wanted to be an activist I just wanted to entertain people I just want to make people feel good that since I’ve witnessed the discriminationand the double standardsand then heard about this statistics for the 18 suicides I had to rethink that by standing up for what I think is right makes me an activist I’m activist does have one more thing same is really I can just get up hereand we today like you know it I am writing thisand thinking I hope I remember I just at youand and being question when I walk in by the press about the president being hereand I’m lazy was amazing he was it was amazing inspired by him just in case there’s any questions just to let everybody know for sure was that question is I don’t understand how people don’t see itand yet you know wasn’t too long ago when I was scared to death to come out I was scared out of my mind the thing that happened to the president when people stand upand start screaming at ease the fear that I would do stand up I would I would come from important people would be allowed to just ask me questions for as long as they wanted I just talked to the audienceand every night when I went out there I feared someone standing upand saying you’re gay on she was scaredand it scared the hell out of meand yet I would not come outand so I do understand it because it is hard but I guess I guess I would like to save people as you know the world this is full of diversity let’s not just accept that let’s embrace itand I think you all very very much for this means so much to me those kind wordsand even kinder work that youand the human rights foundation do every day on behalf of the lesbian gay bisexualand transgender young people hereand across America is such an honor to be here at the inaugural time to thrive conference but it’s a little weird to hear I am in this realm because of an organization whose work that I deeply deeply admireand I’m surrounded by people who make it their life’s work to make other people’s lives better profoundly better some of you teach young people some of you help young people healand to find their voice some of you listen some of you take action some of you are young people yourselves in which case it’s even weirder for a person like me to be speaking to you it’s weird because here I am an actress representing at least in some sense an industry that places crushing standards on all of usand not just young people everyone standards of beauty have a good life of success standards that I hate to admit have affected me you have ideas planted in your head thoughts you never had before that tell you how you have to act how you have to dressand you have to beand I’ve been trying to push back to be authentic to follow my heart but it can be hard but that’s why I’m here in this room all of you all of us can do so much more together than any one person can do aloneand I hope that that thought bolsters you as much as it does me I hope that the workshops you go to over the next few days getting strength because I can only imagine that there are days when you’ve worked longer hours than your boss realizes or cares about just to help the kid who you know can make it days where you feel completely alone undermine or helplessand I know that they are people in this room who go to school every dayand get treated like shit for no reason you go homeand you feel like you can’t tell your parents the whole truth about yourselfand beyond putting yourself in one box or another you worry about the future about college or work or even your physical safetyand trying to create that mental picture of your life of what on earth is continue can question a little bit every dayand it is toxicand painfuland deeply unfairand sometimes it’s a little insignificant stuff that can carry down I try not to read gossip as a rule at the other day website ran an article with a picture of me wearing sweatpants on the way to the gymand the writer asked why does this petite beauty insist upon dressing like a massive man because I like to be comfortable there stereotypes about masculinityand femininity that the fines were all supposed to act dressand speakand they serve no one anyone who defies the so called norms becomes worthy of commentand scrutiny in the LGBT community knows this all too well if there is courage all around us the football hero Michael Sam actress Laverne Cox the musicians Teaganand Sarah clan the family that supports the daughter or son who has come outand there is courage in this room all of youand I’m inspired to be in this room because every single one of you is here for the same reason you are here because you adopted as a core motivation the simple fact that this world would be a whole lot better if we just made an effort to be less to one another took just five minutes to recognize each other’s beauty instead of each other for our differences it’s not hard it’s really an easierand better way to liveand ultimately it saves lives then again he can be the hardest thing because loving other people starts with letting ourselvesand accepting ourselvesand I know many of you have struggled with thisand I drop on your strengthand your support in ways that you will never knowand I am here today because I am gayand because aand because maybe I can make a difference help others easierand more hopeful time regardless for me I feel a personal obligationand a social responsibility I also do it selfishly because I’m tired of hidingand I’m tired of lying by omission I suffered for years because I was scared to be out my spirit suffered mental health suffered in my relationship sufferedand I’m standing here today with all of you the other sideand I am young yes what I have learned is that love the beauty of it the joy of it yes even the pain of it is the most incredible gift to giveand to receive as a human beingand we deserve to experience love only equally without shameand without compromise there too many kids out there suffering from bullying rejection simply being mistreated because of their too many dropouts too much use too many homeless too many suicides you can change that you are to that you never needed me to tell you thatand that’s why this was a little bit weird the only thing that I can really say is what I’d building up to is what I’ve been building up to the past five minutes thank you thank you for inspiring me thank you for giving me hopeand please keep changing the world for people like me happy Valentine’s Day I love you a is realizing you say is a duty to German is that walls six generation oiland engineering student at the University of Iowa those raised by two women from my biological mom Terry pulled her grandparentsand she was pregnant that the artificial insemination at work in the wouldn’t even acknowledge that it wasn’t until I was bornand they succumbed to my infantile cuteness that the broke downand told her that they were thrilled to have another grandson unfortunately neither of them lived to see her married her partner Jack 15 years when they waited 2009 younger sisterand only sibling was born in 1994 we accept the same anonymous donors were full siblings which is really cool you know it is the point is that our family really isn’t so different from any other Iowa family know when I’m home we go to church together we then are we going vacations about you know we have our hard times to get in fights actually my mom Terry was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 2000 is a devastating disease of put her in a wheelchair so we had our struggles but you know why we don’t expect anyone to solve our problems for us will fight her own battles we just hope reborn fair treatment from our government being a student at the University of Iowa topic of same sex marriage comes up quite frequently in classroom discussions you know in question always comes down to welcome days even raise kids in question you know the conversation is quite formal is multiple don’t really have an answer in a raise my hands actually I was raised by gay couple I’m doing pretty well escorting 99 on the ACT I’m actually an Eagle Scout I will not bring my own small business about your son was German I believe would make you very proud not really so different from any of your children my family really isn’t so different from yours fastball your family doesn’t drive it since award from being told by the state you’re married congratulations no the sense of family comes from the commitment we make to each other to work through the hard times we can enjoy the good ones it comes from the love that binds us that’s what makes a family lawyer voting here is to change us is not to change your family just a change of the law use us how the law treats us were voting for the first time in the history of our state to codify discriminationand our Constitution a Constitution that but for the proposed amendment is the least amended Constitution of the United States of America you’re telling I went that some among you are second class citizens who do not have the right to marry the person you love will this will affect my family were defectors over the next two hours of were going to hear plenty of testimony about how damaging having a parent is on his but my 19 years not once have I ever been confronted by an individual who realized independently that was raised by gay couple you know why because the sexual orientation my parents is a serial effect content like her very much this is one of the foundational myths of anti gay activism gay people are out to get kids that’s the gay agenda to recruit kids to be gay because that’s how gay people get that way they’re learning to it by recruiters who sexually abuse them as kidsand thereby turn them gay so posing a people’s rights as a means of protecting the children from the galas I say this is a mess because of people whose job it is to these things they’ve proved that the American psychological Association says homosexual men are not more likely to sexually abuse children than heterosexual men are no specific psychosocial or family dynamic cause for homosexuality has been identified including histories of childhood sexual abuse that horse does not stop anti gay activists from making that assertion that the people are out to recruit kids making that assertion overand over again Jerry Falwell telling supporters of his old time gospel hour by direct mail in 1981 please remember homosexuals do not reproduce the recruitsand many of them are after my childrenand your children Sen. I started to read pose more morning started talking he was talking about love is unity humanity is loving and type shit the weapon is love you know is a rough free toys like this in our faces the to to the show just is just to show how stupid we are in I have to take a step back and realize like you know these are human beings to do just fucking you know saying they’re completely fucking head and they want us to they want us to hate them because they feed off that hatred because once we start hating them the likelihood of us getting violent taken actions against them will increase which will give them now an opportunity to play big so we destroy our enemies and love you don’t take pleasure in destroying enemies you just do it because it needs to be done by blackline matter for example they literally eat white people they’ve always hated white the entire premise of their organization is the hatred for white people now look what’s happened that hate is now being manifested in murder and not only murder of adults Funny Save A Semi Ride A Trucker T Shirt Save A Semi Ride A Trucker T Shirt, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women Save A Semi Ride A Trucker T Shirt More than Funny other products Premium Trending This Summer Season will Presents Who Love: Pouty again once again is lying to the American people because we we have already reached herd immunity and if you saw that chart I showed you a Save A Semi Ride A Trucker T Shirt couple of streams ago of the deaf numbers in Florida what you see the PC case number is going up and at the same time as he deaf numbers going down that is called herd immunity and people are still in fear of this of this virus that’s not really doing much harm at all but the reason why there in fear of this virus is because frauds like froggy and the World Health Organization and the CDC are blatantly lying to people and because these people are dockers and licensed physicians in their giving people deliberately giving people false information and is leading to physical harm of these people who are listening to them I personally believe that they are guilty of medical malpractice at the very least at the very if not mass murder but fortunately like I said a lot of people again sick and is mass bullshit and this is from morning makes a lot the Washington. Ready to go primarily at the reference labs conquest lab core and a couple others now it doesn’t matter if they are not in your neighborhood because every day when people get tasks a little white box goes out in front gets shipped by an incredible distribution system the test result in electronically reported so these are available to people nationwide we expect more and more than 1 million coming on board this week as the reagents come up in his people out with the testing capacity validate that in their own hospitals and other and other places in the future we expect at least 2 million next week at least 5 million week thereafter there are also a whole growth of with called laboratory to determine testing or laboratory derive testing where individual laboratories because of the regulatory deregulation of the FDA can develop their own test and start using severe clear certified lab with complexity you can do that so the point is testing is now entering sort of we normally do in the healthcare system where. Is to continue carrying out his duties with well updated future at the tower of saigon temple be able to carry on a daily now as well be that you are works including the confirmation from the supreme court with everything and be very and downtown will not have the ability to carry a to and if you were to stand by with me for just a moment’s more questions for you but I want to bring in laura mcquillan laura’s following timeline to all of this every laura look at the white house again for just a moment flora by way of introduction for all of the new york times is reporting again these are new york times sources that we are not independent corroboration but what the new york times is saying the president is showing symptoms of coded 19 miles while he was in a fundraiser you tell us about on thursday and according to people who were there he was lethargic easier at people who were in attendance in new jersey so that new jersey event is a big part of the timeline for all of this as people look to the moment when See Other related products: unicorn shirts and shirt Save A Semi Ride A Trucker T Shirt Gives a Save A Semi Ride A Trucker T Shirt remote doctors visits and hospital check ins the power to waive certain federal licensure requirements so the doctors from other states can provide services in states with the greatest need but to the ability to waive requirements that critical access hospitals limit the number of beds to 25 and a length of stay to 96 hours the ability to waive the requirements of a three day hospital stay prior to admission to a nursing home big thing the authority to waive the rules to end a hospitals ability to bring additional physicians on board or obtain needed office space taken do is they want they can do what they have to do they know what they have to do now they don’t have any problem getting it done the authority to waive rules that severely restrict where hospitals can care for patients within the hospital itself ensuring that the emergency capacity can be quickly established will remove or eliminate every obstacle necessary to deliver a people the care that they need and that they’re entitled to. Nobody here is going to react badly for tiny jester rideand a figure wandering through a posh department store even then people will notice that they may only notice because I think of the knife to see two days holding hands in Publix but they still notice I don’t want them to notice because then our small intimate private little human jester has been turned into a statementand I don’t want it to be turned into a statement our little private jester like Schrödinger’s task is altered simply by being observed we live in this sort of homophobic worldand you might think that a small little thing like holding hands in public was just a small thingand you’re right it is indeed just a small thing but it is one of many small things that make us humanand there are lots of small things every day that LGBT people have to put up with that other people don’t have to put up with lots of small things that we have to but in order to be safe or not to be the object of ridicule or scornand we are expected to put up with those things I just thank our blessings that we don’t live in a country where we can be imprisoned or executed for being gayand we are so used in making those small adjustments every day that even now we rarity ourselves even notice that were doing it because it is just part of the background of our life is constant malign presence that we have assimilatedand if we complain about what we are told we have nothing to complain about because aren’t you lucky that you don’t live in Ugandaand yes I am lucky that I don’t live in Uganda but that’s not good enough this isn’t some sort of gamer competition where the person who has of the worst when the right to complainand everybody else had to just put up or shut up our society is homophobic it is infused with homophobia it is ripping with homophobia when you are 45 years old son you have spent 30 years putting out 30 years absorbing all of those small slightsand intimidationsand smearsand occasionally much worse you just get tired of it you get fed up putting up I am fed up of reading yet another article by yet another state versus explaining why I am less somehow than everybody else you get fed up listening to people described you as intrinsically disordered people who don’t even know you from their celibate pulpits you get fed up of the scrawled graffitiand you get fed up with people sneeringly describe things as did you get fed up of stealing yourself to pass by the Saturday night drunks hoping that they won’t notice youand you get fed up of people using their timeand energyand talent to campaign against you being treated just like every other citizen think these days you’ll find those very vocal homophobic clustered around the same sex marriage debateand it is quite the spectacle because what they know that they can’t come just right outand bluntly say what drives them which is an animus towards gay people Anna discussed what they imagine we do in bed because they know that that won’t wash with the general public anymore so they are forced to scramble for any other reason that they can think of to know argue their case so your gay people are going to destroy the institution of marriage to gay couples will be wandering through orphanages digging babies off shelf trying to find one that matches their UI TSO facts for that you are allowing gay people to get married will destroy society itselfand many many more including my own personal favorite is with the old argument that’s the word marriage is defined in some dictionary or other as a union between a manand a womanand that therefore same sex marriage can’t possibly be a marriage which is eight Kissling arguments against wordsand dictionariesand not an argument against same sex marriage of course now course the other real driver of homophobiaand you can all put your pearls here because I’m going to go here is a discussed with gay sex in particular with gay male sex the poor old lesbians just get caught the homophobic crossfire guilty by association because what they really don’t like is a no sex sodomy your bug orand they assume that that is all we do they feverishly imagine that we spent all day jumping around buttering each other’s on itand in fact what they actually do is recuse us down to this one sex at whether or not we do it at all I am 45 years oldand I am fed up putting up so I’m not anymore I’m 45 years old I’m not putting up anymore as I don’t have the energy anymore putting up is exhausting I am 45 years oldand I’m not putting up anymore because I don’t have the patience anymore 45 years old I was more to six months before the Stonewall riotsand you have had 45 years to work out that despite appearances I am just as ordinary just as unremarkableand just as human as you are I’m 45 years oldand I am not asking anymore I am just being human being thank you for your time there man elder brother Mikeand the daughter of parents were both empathetic Qand loving of the LGBT community in my household being gay wasand is no big deal but my brother came out we had them send the London now is that when you home his first boyfriend when he brought his first boyfriend now husband home for a couple of weeks on Christmas my father’s only comment to my mother was trying not to make supper underwear we had no idea that I would become recognizable because of my workand that we would become publicly labeled as having an alternative family lifestyle just for the record we don’t feel that there is actually anything alternative about our family values will for semantic reasons only it to some hesitation that I have the HIC ally award I don’t consider myself justand analyze the LGBT community I consider myself your family doing well do you with our familiesand loving you support you completely accept you as you are as I hope you do meand if anyone ever tries to hurt you given how there are many people who this many to say there are people who has said that I’m being brave for being openly supportive of gay marriage gay adoption basically of the rights that with all due respect I humbly sent I’m not being braveand being a decent human being even a word for that or for merely stating what I believe to be true that love is a human experience not a political statement we continue to put this movement forward close the gap we must demand full equality for all they say that this country is freeand they say that this country is equal but it is not equal to fix some time Obama I know that you’re listening will continue to push youand your administration to bring your words of promise to a reality we need to change now we demand actions nowand to Barney Frank we are putting more than pressure on this graphand today the grass is ours we will only do they continue to do the work in our own backyards with local politicians in my backyard as a woman in pop music as a woman with the most beautiful gay fans in the whole world you I refuse to accept any misogynisticand homophobic behavior in the lyrics or action in the music industry today continues I will equality for all I love you all so much in meaning really is wild for me to be standing here this is not been an easy journey for me at all I lived with a sense of shame for a long long time every single interview I did I dodge that dreaded question are you gay I tried it to be witty I tried to find ways to get around itand my answer was always my private life is my private lifeand it is but my sexuality is as much a part of me is my skin color we we we do whatever it takes you know we we try to justify why it’s importantand I tried’s for a long time did to justify why it should be hidden for as long as I couldand I finally got to the point where it was more important for me to live my life honestlyand then to be proud of who I am than my fameand ironically soon as I was honest I became a famous so much for those people who said it would ruin my career I really felt like the I was risking everything you because I had been worn for so long about what was going to doand I was willing to do risk alland and I was more than I could possibly even imagined my life is so goodand I found loveand what’s more important than that I hear stories all the time nowand it’s amazing what it does when you open up people that come to hear storiesand I get letters from people who tell me how I’ve touched their lifeand in in some wayand a letter from the 76 year old lesbian who said she can’t believe this happened in her lifetime now I have a meeting at all this to know that there were lesbian 76 years old lightning it it’s amazing you know I this man walked up to me in the street he was in the 70s or 80s a he’s watching me was in his 50s olderand he said I could love or respect you moreand I have everywhere I go I want down the streetand I have been in New York the past weekand I have construction workers giving me the thumbs up I have people’s dreaming out as they pass in the car giving the thumbs up I have menand women you know straight gay black white everybody coming up saying thank youand Iand and I keep it upand congratulations I have children coming out in just saying we think you’re funny now contribution you know it I got into this business very accidentallyand I worked out very well for me that I really a lot of people getting it for the for the success the same inand I am you realize that’s not really what life is about when you make the kind of change that that happened in my life when I did this my whole life turned aroundand I know I’ve done something I know when I leave here I’ve really done something it feels good I never wanted to be an activist I just wanted to entertain people I just want to make people feel good that since I’ve witnessed the discriminationand the double standardsand then heard about this statistics for the 18 suicides I had to rethink that by standing up for what I think is right makes me an activist I’m activist does have one more thing same is really I can just get up hereand we today like you know it I am writing thisand thinking I hope I remember I just at youand and being question when I walk in by the press about the president being hereand I’m lazy was amazing he was it was amazing inspired by him just in case there’s any questions just to let everybody know for sure was that question is I don’t understand how people don’t see itand yet you know wasn’t too long ago when I was scared to death to come out I was scared out of my mind the thing that happened to the president when people stand upand start screaming at ease the fear that I would do stand up I would I would come from important people would be allowed to just ask me questions for as long as they wanted I just talked to the audienceand every night when I went out there I feared someone standing upand saying you’re gay on she was scaredand it scared the hell out of meand yet I would not come outand so I do understand it because it is hard but I guess I guess I would like to save people as you know the world this is full of diversity let’s not just accept that let’s embrace itand I think you all very very much for this means so much to me those kind wordsand even kinder work that youand the human rights foundation do every day on behalf of the lesbian gay bisexualand transgender young people hereand across America is such an honor to be here at the inaugural time to thrive conference but it’s a little weird to hear I am in this realm because of an organization whose work that I deeply deeply admireand I’m surrounded by people who make it their life’s work to make other people’s lives better profoundly better some of you teach young people some of you help young people healand to find their voice some of you listen some of you take action some of you are young people yourselves in which case it’s even weirder for a person like me to be speaking to you it’s weird because here I am an actress representing at least in some sense an industry that places crushing standards on all of usand not just young people everyone standards of beauty have a good life of success standards that I hate to admit have affected me you have ideas planted in your head thoughts you never had before that tell you how you have to act how you have to dressand you have to beand I’ve been trying to push back to be authentic to follow my heart but it can be hard but that’s why I’m here in this room all of you all of us can do so much more together than any one person can do aloneand I hope that that thought bolsters you as much as it does me I hope that the workshops you go to over the next few days getting strength because I can only imagine that there are days when you’ve worked longer hours than your boss realizes or cares about just to help the kid who you know can make it days where you feel completely alone undermine or helplessand I know that they are people in this room who go to school every dayand get treated like shit for no reason you go homeand you feel like you can’t tell your parents the whole truth about yourselfand beyond putting yourself in one box or another you worry about the future about college or work or even your physical safetyand trying to create that mental picture of your life of what on earth is continue can question a little bit every dayand it is toxicand painfuland deeply unfairand sometimes it’s a little insignificant stuff that can carry down I try not to read gossip as a rule at the other day website ran an article with a picture of me wearing sweatpants on the way to the gymand the writer asked why does this petite beauty insist upon dressing like a massive man because I like to be comfortable there stereotypes about masculinityand femininity that the fines were all supposed to act dressand speakand they serve no one anyone who defies the so called norms becomes worthy of commentand scrutiny in the LGBT community knows this all too well if there is courage all around us the football hero Michael Sam actress Laverne Cox the musicians Teaganand Sarah clan the family that supports the daughter or son who has come outand there is courage in this room all of youand I’m inspired to be in this room because every single one of you is here for the same reason you are here because you adopted as a core motivation the simple fact that this world would be a whole lot better if we just made an effort to be less to one another took just five minutes to recognize each other’s beauty instead of each other for our differences it’s not hard it’s really an easierand better way to liveand ultimately it saves lives then again he can be the hardest thing because loving other people starts with letting ourselvesand accepting ourselvesand I know many of you have struggled with thisand I drop on your strengthand your support in ways that you will never knowand I am here today because I am gayand because aand because maybe I can make a difference help others easierand more hopeful time regardless for me I feel a personal obligationand a social responsibility I also do it selfishly because I’m tired of hidingand I’m tired of lying by omission I suffered for years because I was scared to be out my spirit suffered mental health suffered in my relationship sufferedand I’m standing here today with all of you the other sideand I am young yes what I have learned is that love the beauty of it the joy of it yes even the pain of it is the most incredible gift to giveand to receive as a human beingand we deserve to experience love only equally without shameand without compromise there too many kids out there suffering from bullying rejection simply being mistreated because of their too many dropouts too much use too many homeless too many suicides you can change that you are to that you never needed me to tell you thatand that’s why this was a little bit weird the only thing that I can really say is what I’d building up to is what I’ve been building up to the past five minutes thank you thank you for inspiring me thank you for giving me hopeand please keep changing the world for people like me happy Valentine’s Day I love you a is realizing you say is a duty to German is that walls six generation oiland engineering student at the University of Iowa those raised by two women from my biological mom Terry pulled her grandparentsand she was pregnant that the artificial insemination at work in the wouldn’t even acknowledge that it wasn’t until I was bornand they succumbed to my infantile cuteness that the broke downand told her that they were thrilled to have another grandson unfortunately neither of them lived to see her married her partner Jack 15 years when they waited 2009 younger sisterand only sibling was born in 1994 we accept the same anonymous donors were full siblings which is really cool you know it is the point is that our family really isn’t so different from any other Iowa family know when I’m home we go to church together we then are we going vacations about you know we have our hard times to get in fights actually my mom Terry was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 2000 is a devastating disease of put her in a wheelchair so we had our struggles but you know why we don’t expect anyone to solve our problems for us will fight her own battles we just hope reborn fair treatment from our government being a student at the University of Iowa topic of same sex marriage comes up quite frequently in classroom discussions you know in question always comes down to welcome days even raise kids in question you know the conversation is quite formal is multiple don’t really have an answer in a raise my hands actually I was raised by gay couple I’m doing pretty well escorting 99 on the ACT I’m actually an Eagle Scout I will not bring my own small business about your son was German I believe would make you very proud not really so different from any of your children my family really isn’t so different from yours fastball your family doesn’t drive it since award from being told by the state you’re married congratulations no the sense of family comes from the commitment we make to each other to work through the hard times we can enjoy the good ones it comes from the love that binds us that’s what makes a family lawyer voting here is to change us is not to change your family just a change of the law use us how the law treats us were voting for the first time in the history of our state to codify discriminationand our Constitution a Constitution that but for the proposed amendment is the least amended Constitution of the United States of America you’re telling I went that some among you are second class citizens who do not have the right to marry the person you love will this will affect my family were defectors over the next two hours of were going to hear plenty of testimony about how damaging having a parent is on his but my 19 years not once have I ever been confronted by an individual who realized independently that was raised by gay couple you know why because the sexual orientation my parents is a serial effect content like her very much this is one of the foundational myths of anti gay activism gay people are out to get kids that’s the gay agenda to recruit kids to be gay because that’s how gay people get that way they’re learning to it by recruiters who sexually abuse them as kidsand thereby turn them gay so posing a people’s rights as a means of protecting the children from the galas I say this is a mess because of people whose job it is to these things they’ve proved that the American psychological Association says homosexual men are not more likely to sexually abuse children than heterosexual men are no specific psychosocial or family dynamic cause for homosexuality has been identified including histories of childhood sexual abuse that horse does not stop anti gay activists from making that assertion that the people are out to recruit kids making that assertion overand over again Jerry Falwell telling supporters of his old time gospel hour by direct mail in 1981 please remember homosexuals do not reproduce the recruitsand many of them are after my childrenand your children Sen. I started to read pose more morning started talking he was talking about love is unity humanity is loving and type shit the weapon is love you know is a rough free toys like this in our faces the to to the show just is just to show how stupid we are in I have to take a step back and realize like you know these are human beings to do just fucking you know saying they’re completely fucking head and they want us to they want us to hate them because they feed off that hatred because once we start hating them the likelihood of us getting violent taken actions against them will increase which will give them now an opportunity to play big so we destroy our enemies and love you don’t take pleasure in destroying enemies you just do it because it needs to be done by blackline matter for example they literally eat white people they’ve always hated white the entire premise of their organization is the hatred for white people now look what’s happened that hate is now being manifested in murder and not only murder of adults Funny Save A Semi Ride A Trucker T Shirt Save A Semi Ride A Trucker T Shirt, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women Save A Semi Ride A Trucker T Shirt More than Funny other products Premium Trending This Summer Season will Presents Who Love: Pouty again once again is lying to the American people because we we have already reached herd immunity and if you saw that chart I showed you a Save A Semi Ride A Trucker T Shirt couple of streams ago of the deaf numbers in Florida what you see the PC case number is going up and at the same time as he deaf numbers going down that is called herd immunity and people are still in fear of this of this virus that’s not really doing much harm at all but the reason why there in fear of this virus is because frauds like froggy and the World Health Organization and the CDC are blatantly lying to people and because these people are dockers and licensed physicians in their giving people deliberately giving people false information and is leading to physical harm of these people who are listening to them I personally believe that they are guilty of medical malpractice at the very least at the very if not mass murder but fortunately like I said a lot of people again sick and is mass bullshit and this is from morning makes a lot the Washington. Ready to go primarily at the reference labs conquest lab core and a couple others now it doesn’t matter if they are not in your neighborhood because every day when people get tasks a little white box goes out in front gets shipped by an incredible distribution system the test result in electronically reported so these are available to people nationwide we expect more and more than 1 million coming on board this week as the reagents come up in his people out with the testing capacity validate that in their own hospitals and other and other places in the future we expect at least 2 million next week at least 5 million week thereafter there are also a whole growth of with called laboratory to determine testing or laboratory derive testing where individual laboratories because of the regulatory deregulation of the FDA can develop their own test and start using severe clear certified lab with complexity you can do that so the point is testing is now entering sort of we normally do in the healthcare system where. Is to continue carrying out his duties with well updated future at the tower of saigon temple be able to carry on a daily now as well be that you are works including the confirmation from the supreme court with everything and be very and downtown will not have the ability to carry a to and if you were to stand by with me for just a moment’s more questions for you but I want to bring in laura mcquillan laura’s following timeline to all of this every laura look at the white house again for just a moment flora by way of introduction for all of the new york times is reporting again these are new york times sources that we are not independent corroboration but what the new york times is saying the president is showing symptoms of coded 19 miles while he was in a fundraiser you tell us about on thursday and according to people who were there he was lethargic easier at people who were in attendance in new jersey so that new jersey event is a big part of the timeline for all of this as people look to the moment when See Other related products: unicorn shirts and shirt

Save A Semi Ride A Trucker T Shirt - from 1

Save A Semi Ride A Trucker T Shirt - from 1

Gives a Save A Semi Ride A Trucker T Shirt remote doctors visits and hospital check ins the power to waive certain federal licensure requirements so the doctors from other states can provide services in states with the greatest need but to the ability to waive requirements that critical access hospitals limit the number of beds to 25 and a length of stay to 96 hours the ability to waive the requirements of a three day hospital stay prior to admission to a nursing home big thing the authority to waive the rules to end a hospitals ability to bring additional physicians on board or obtain needed office space taken do is they want they can do what they have to do they know what they have to do now they don’t have any problem getting it done the authority to waive rules that severely restrict where hospitals can care for patients within the hospital itself ensuring that the emergency capacity can be quickly established will remove or eliminate every obstacle necessary to deliver a people the care that they need and that they’re entitled to. Nobody here is going to react badly for tiny jester rideand a figure wandering through a posh department store even then people will notice that they may only notice because I think of the knife to see two days holding hands in Publix but they still notice I don’t want them to notice because then our small intimate private little human jester has been turned into a statementand I don’t want it to be turned into a statement our little private jester like Schrödinger’s task is altered simply by being observed we live in this sort of homophobic worldand you might think that a small little thing like holding hands in public was just a small thingand you’re right it is indeed just a small thing but it is one of many small things that make us humanand there are lots of small things every day that LGBT people have to put up with that other people don’t have to put up with lots of small things that we have to but in order to be safe or not to be the object of ridicule or scornand we are expected to put up with those things I just thank our blessings that we don’t live in a country where we can be imprisoned or executed for being gayand we are so used in making those small adjustments every day that even now we rarity ourselves even notice that were doing it because it is just part of the background of our life is constant malign presence that we have assimilatedand if we complain about what we are told we have nothing to complain about because aren’t you lucky that you don’t live in Ugandaand yes I am lucky that I don’t live in Uganda but that’s not good enough this isn’t some sort of gamer competition where the person who has of the worst when the right to complainand everybody else had to just put up or shut up our society is homophobic it is infused with homophobia it is ripping with homophobia when you are 45 years old son you have spent 30 years putting out 30 years absorbing all of those small slightsand intimidationsand smearsand occasionally much worse you just get tired of it you get fed up putting up I am fed up of reading yet another article by yet another state versus explaining why I am less somehow than everybody else you get fed up listening to people described you as intrinsically disordered people who don’t even know you from their celibate pulpits you get fed up of the scrawled graffitiand you get fed up with people sneeringly describe things as did you get fed up of stealing yourself to pass by the Saturday night drunks hoping that they won’t notice youand you get fed up of people using their timeand energyand talent to campaign against you being treated just like every other citizen think these days you’ll find those very vocal homophobic clustered around the same sex marriage debateand it is quite the spectacle because what they know that they can’t come just right outand bluntly say what drives them which is an animus towards gay people Anna discussed what they imagine we do in bed because they know that that won’t wash with the general public anymore so they are forced to scramble for any other reason that they can think of to know argue their case so your gay people are going to destroy the institution of marriage to gay couples will be wandering through orphanages digging babies off shelf trying to find one that matches their UI TSO facts for that you are allowing gay people to get married will destroy society itselfand many many more including my own personal favorite is with the old argument that’s the word marriage is defined in some dictionary or other as a union between a manand a womanand that therefore same sex marriage can’t possibly be a marriage which is eight Kissling arguments against wordsand dictionariesand not an argument against same sex marriage of course now course the other real driver of homophobiaand you can all put your pearls here because I’m going to go here is a discussed with gay sex in particular with gay male sex the poor old lesbians just get caught the homophobic crossfire guilty by association because what they really don’t like is a no sex sodomy your bug orand they assume that that is all we do they feverishly imagine that we spent all day jumping around buttering each other’s on itand in fact what they actually do is recuse us down to this one sex at whether or not we do it at all I am 45 years oldand I am fed up putting up so I’m not anymore I’m 45 years old I’m not putting up anymore as I don’t have the energy anymore putting up is exhausting I am 45 years oldand I’m not putting up anymore because I don’t have the patience anymore 45 years old I was more to six months before the Stonewall riotsand you have had 45 years to work out that despite appearances I am just as ordinary just as unremarkableand just as human as you are I’m 45 years oldand I am not asking anymore I am just being human being thank you for your time there man elder brother Mikeand the daughter of parents were both empathetic Qand loving of the LGBT community in my household being gay wasand is no big deal but my brother came out we had them send the London now is that when you home his first boyfriend when he brought his first boyfriend now husband home for a couple of weeks on Christmas my father’s only comment to my mother was trying not to make supper underwear we had no idea that I would become recognizable because of my workand that we would become publicly labeled as having an alternative family lifestyle just for the record we don’t feel that there is actually anything alternative about our family values will for semantic reasons only it to some hesitation that I have the HIC ally award I don’t consider myself justand analyze the LGBT community I consider myself your family doing well do you with our familiesand loving you support you completely accept you as you are as I hope you do meand if anyone ever tries to hurt you given how there are many people who this many to say there are people who has said that I’m being brave for being openly supportive of gay marriage gay adoption basically of the rights that with all due respect I humbly sent I’m not being braveand being a decent human being even a word for that or for merely stating what I believe to be true that love is a human experience not a political statement we continue to put this movement forward close the gap we must demand full equality for all they say that this country is freeand they say that this country is equal but it is not equal to fix some time Obama I know that you’re listening will continue to push youand your administration to bring your words of promise to a reality we need to change now we demand actions nowand to Barney Frank we are putting more than pressure on this graphand today the grass is ours we will only do they continue to do the work in our own backyards with local politicians in my backyard as a woman in pop music as a woman with the most beautiful gay fans in the whole world you I refuse to accept any misogynisticand homophobic behavior in the lyrics or action in the music industry today continues I will equality for all I love you all so much in meaning really is wild for me to be standing here this is not been an easy journey for me at all I lived with a sense of shame for a long long time every single interview I did I dodge that dreaded question are you gay I tried it to be witty I tried to find ways to get around itand my answer was always my private life is my private lifeand it is but my sexuality is as much a part of me is my skin color we we we do whatever it takes you know we we try to justify why it’s importantand I tried’s for a long time did to justify why it should be hidden for as long as I couldand I finally got to the point where it was more important for me to live my life honestlyand then to be proud of who I am than my fameand ironically soon as I was honest I became a famous so much for those people who said it would ruin my career I really felt like the I was risking everything you because I had been worn for so long about what was going to doand I was willing to do risk alland and I was more than I could possibly even imagined my life is so goodand I found loveand what’s more important than that I hear stories all the time nowand it’s amazing what it does when you open up people that come to hear storiesand I get letters from people who tell me how I’ve touched their lifeand in in some wayand a letter from the 76 year old lesbian who said she can’t believe this happened in her lifetime now I have a meeting at all this to know that there were lesbian 76 years old lightning it it’s amazing you know I this man walked up to me in the street he was in the 70s or 80s a he’s watching me was in his 50s olderand he said I could love or respect you moreand I have everywhere I go I want down the streetand I have been in New York the past weekand I have construction workers giving me the thumbs up I have people’s dreaming out as they pass in the car giving the thumbs up I have menand women you know straight gay black white everybody coming up saying thank youand Iand and I keep it upand congratulations I have children coming out in just saying we think you’re funny now contribution you know it I got into this business very accidentallyand I worked out very well for me that I really a lot of people getting it for the for the success the same inand I am you realize that’s not really what life is about when you make the kind of change that that happened in my life when I did this my whole life turned aroundand I know I’ve done something I know when I leave here I’ve really done something it feels good I never wanted to be an activist I just wanted to entertain people I just want to make people feel good that since I’ve witnessed the discriminationand the double standardsand then heard about this statistics for the 18 suicides I had to rethink that by standing up for what I think is right makes me an activist I’m activist does have one more thing same is really I can just get up hereand we today like you know it I am writing thisand thinking I hope I remember I just at youand and being question when I walk in by the press about the president being hereand I’m lazy was amazing he was it was amazing inspired by him just in case there’s any questions just to let everybody know for sure was that question is I don’t understand how people don’t see itand yet you know wasn’t too long ago when I was scared to death to come out I was scared out of my mind the thing that happened to the president when people stand upand start screaming at ease the fear that I would do stand up I would I would come from important people would be allowed to just ask me questions for as long as they wanted I just talked to the audienceand every night when I went out there I feared someone standing upand saying you’re gay on she was scaredand it scared the hell out of meand yet I would not come outand so I do understand it because it is hard but I guess I guess I would like to save people as you know the world this is full of diversity let’s not just accept that let’s embrace itand I think you all very very much for this means so much to me those kind wordsand even kinder work that youand the human rights foundation do every day on behalf of the lesbian gay bisexualand transgender young people hereand across America is such an honor to be here at the inaugural time to thrive conference but it’s a little weird to hear I am in this realm because of an organization whose work that I deeply deeply admireand I’m surrounded by people who make it their life’s work to make other people’s lives better profoundly better some of you teach young people some of you help young people healand to find their voice some of you listen some of you take action some of you are young people yourselves in which case it’s even weirder for a person like me to be speaking to you it’s weird because here I am an actress representing at least in some sense an industry that places crushing standards on all of usand not just young people everyone standards of beauty have a good life of success standards that I hate to admit have affected me you have ideas planted in your head thoughts you never had before that tell you how you have to act how you have to dressand you have to beand I’ve been trying to push back to be authentic to follow my heart but it can be hard but that’s why I’m here in this room all of you all of us can do so much more together than any one person can do aloneand I hope that that thought bolsters you as much as it does me I hope that the workshops you go to over the next few days getting strength because I can only imagine that there are days when you’ve worked longer hours than your boss realizes or cares about just to help the kid who you know can make it days where you feel completely alone undermine or helplessand I know that they are people in this room who go to school every dayand get treated like shit for no reason you go homeand you feel like you can’t tell your parents the whole truth about yourselfand beyond putting yourself in one box or another you worry about the future about college or work or even your physical safetyand trying to create that mental picture of your life of what on earth is continue can question a little bit every dayand it is toxicand painfuland deeply unfairand sometimes it’s a little insignificant stuff that can carry down I try not to read gossip as a rule at the other day website ran an article with a picture of me wearing sweatpants on the way to the gymand the writer asked why does this petite beauty insist upon dressing like a massive man because I like to be comfortable there stereotypes about masculinityand femininity that the fines were all supposed to act dressand speakand they serve no one anyone who defies the so called norms becomes worthy of commentand scrutiny in the LGBT community knows this all too well if there is courage all around us the football hero Michael Sam actress Laverne Cox the musicians Teaganand Sarah clan the family that supports the daughter or son who has come outand there is courage in this room all of youand I’m inspired to be in this room because every single one of you is here for the same reason you are here because you adopted as a core motivation the simple fact that this world would be a whole lot better if we just made an effort to be less to one another took just five minutes to recognize each other’s beauty instead of each other for our differences it’s not hard it’s really an easierand better way to liveand ultimately it saves lives then again he can be the hardest thing because loving other people starts with letting ourselvesand accepting ourselvesand I know many of you have struggled with thisand I drop on your strengthand your support in ways that you will never knowand I am here today because I am gayand because aand because maybe I can make a difference help others easierand more hopeful time regardless for me I feel a personal obligationand a social responsibility I also do it selfishly because I’m tired of hidingand I’m tired of lying by omission I suffered for years because I was scared to be out my spirit suffered mental health suffered in my relationship sufferedand I’m standing here today with all of you the other sideand I am young yes what I have learned is that love the beauty of it the joy of it yes even the pain of it is the most incredible gift to giveand to receive as a human beingand we deserve to experience love only equally without shameand without compromise there too many kids out there suffering from bullying rejection simply being mistreated because of their too many dropouts too much use too many homeless too many suicides you can change that you are to that you never needed me to tell you thatand that’s why this was a little bit weird the only thing that I can really say is what I’d building up to is what I’ve been building up to the past five minutes thank you thank you for inspiring me thank you for giving me hopeand please keep changing the world for people like me happy Valentine’s Day I love you a is realizing you say is a duty to German is that walls six generation oiland engineering student at the University of Iowa those raised by two women from my biological mom Terry pulled her grandparentsand she was pregnant that the artificial insemination at work in the wouldn’t even acknowledge that it wasn’t until I was bornand they succumbed to my infantile cuteness that the broke downand told her that they were thrilled to have another grandson unfortunately neither of them lived to see her married her partner Jack 15 years when they waited 2009 younger sisterand only sibling was born in 1994 we accept the same anonymous donors were full siblings which is really cool you know it is the point is that our family really isn’t so different from any other Iowa family know when I’m home we go to church together we then are we going vacations about you know we have our hard times to get in fights actually my mom Terry was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 2000 is a devastating disease of put her in a wheelchair so we had our struggles but you know why we don’t expect anyone to solve our problems for us will fight her own battles we just hope reborn fair treatment from our government being a student at the University of Iowa topic of same sex marriage comes up quite frequently in classroom discussions you know in question always comes down to welcome days even raise kids in question you know the conversation is quite formal is multiple don’t really have an answer in a raise my hands actually I was raised by gay couple I’m doing pretty well escorting 99 on the ACT I’m actually an Eagle Scout I will not bring my own small business about your son was German I believe would make you very proud not really so different from any of your children my family really isn’t so different from yours fastball your family doesn’t drive it since award from being told by the state you’re married congratulations no the sense of family comes from the commitment we make to each other to work through the hard times we can enjoy the good ones it comes from the love that binds us that’s what makes a family lawyer voting here is to change us is not to change your family just a change of the law use us how the law treats us were voting for the first time in the history of our state to codify discriminationand our Constitution a Constitution that but for the proposed amendment is the least amended Constitution of the United States of America you’re telling I went that some among you are second class citizens who do not have the right to marry the person you love will this will affect my family were defectors over the next two hours of were going to hear plenty of testimony about how damaging having a parent is on his but my 19 years not once have I ever been confronted by an individual who realized independently that was raised by gay couple you know why because the sexual orientation my parents is a serial effect content like her very much this is one of the foundational myths of anti gay activism gay people are out to get kids that’s the gay agenda to recruit kids to be gay because that’s how gay people get that way they’re learning to it by recruiters who sexually abuse them as kidsand thereby turn them gay so posing a people’s rights as a means of protecting the children from the galas I say this is a mess because of people whose job it is to these things they’ve proved that the American psychological Association says homosexual men are not more likely to sexually abuse children than heterosexual men are no specific psychosocial or family dynamic cause for homosexuality has been identified including histories of childhood sexual abuse that horse does not stop anti gay activists from making that assertion that the people are out to recruit kids making that assertion overand over again Jerry Falwell telling supporters of his old time gospel hour by direct mail in 1981 please remember homosexuals do not reproduce the recruitsand many of them are after my childrenand your children Sen. I started to read pose more morning started talking he was talking about love is unity humanity is loving and type shit the weapon is love you know is a rough free toys like this in our faces the to to the show just is just to show how stupid we are in I have to take a step back and realize like you know these are human beings to do just fucking you know saying they’re completely fucking head and they want us to they want us to hate them because they feed off that hatred because once we start hating them the likelihood of us getting violent taken actions against them will increase which will give them now an opportunity to play big so we destroy our enemies and love you don’t take pleasure in destroying enemies you just do it because it needs to be done by blackline matter for example they literally eat white people they’ve always hated white the entire premise of their organization is the hatred for white people now look what’s happened that hate is now being manifested in murder and not only murder of adults Funny Save A Semi Ride A Trucker T Shirt Save A Semi Ride A Trucker T Shirt, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women Save A Semi Ride A Trucker T Shirt More than Funny other products Premium Trending This Summer Season will Presents Who Love: Pouty again once again is lying to the American people because we we have already reached herd immunity and if you saw that chart I showed you a Save A Semi Ride A Trucker T Shirt couple of streams ago of the deaf numbers in Florida what you see the PC case number is going up and at the same time as he deaf numbers going down that is called herd immunity and people are still in fear of this of this virus that’s not really doing much harm at all but the reason why there in fear of this virus is because frauds like froggy and the World Health Organization and the CDC are blatantly lying to people and because these people are dockers and licensed physicians in their giving people deliberately giving people false information and is leading to physical harm of these people who are listening to them I personally believe that they are guilty of medical malpractice at the very least at the very if not mass murder but fortunately like I said a lot of people again sick and is mass bullshit and this is from morning makes a lot the Washington. Ready to go primarily at the reference labs conquest lab core and a couple others now it doesn’t matter if they are not in your neighborhood because every day when people get tasks a little white box goes out in front gets shipped by an incredible distribution system the test result in electronically reported so these are available to people nationwide we expect more and more than 1 million coming on board this week as the reagents come up in his people out with the testing capacity validate that in their own hospitals and other and other places in the future we expect at least 2 million next week at least 5 million week thereafter there are also a whole growth of with called laboratory to determine testing or laboratory derive testing where individual laboratories because of the regulatory deregulation of the FDA can develop their own test and start using severe clear certified lab with complexity you can do that so the point is testing is now entering sort of we normally do in the healthcare system where. Is to continue carrying out his duties with well updated future at the tower of saigon temple be able to carry on a daily now as well be that you are works including the confirmation from the supreme court with everything and be very and downtown will not have the ability to carry a to and if you were to stand by with me for just a moment’s more questions for you but I want to bring in laura mcquillan laura’s following timeline to all of this every laura look at the white house again for just a moment flora by way of introduction for all of the new york times is reporting again these are new york times sources that we are not independent corroboration but what the new york times is saying the president is showing symptoms of coded 19 miles while he was in a fundraiser you tell us about on thursday and according to people who were there he was lethargic easier at people who were in attendance in new jersey so that new jersey event is a big part of the timeline for all of this as people look to the moment when See Other related products: unicorn shirts and shirt Save A Semi Ride A Trucker T Shirt Gives a Save A Semi Ride A Trucker T Shirt remote doctors visits and hospital check ins the power to waive certain federal licensure requirements so the doctors from other states can provide services in states with the greatest need but to the ability to waive requirements that critical access hospitals limit the number of beds to 25 and a length of stay to 96 hours the ability to waive the requirements of a three day hospital stay prior to admission to a nursing home big thing the authority to waive the rules to end a hospitals ability to bring additional physicians on board or obtain needed office space taken do is they want they can do what they have to do they know what they have to do now they don’t have any problem getting it done the authority to waive rules that severely restrict where hospitals can care for patients within the hospital itself ensuring that the emergency capacity can be quickly established will remove or eliminate every obstacle necessary to deliver a people the care that they need and that they’re entitled to. Nobody here is going to react badly for tiny jester rideand a figure wandering through a posh department store even then people will notice that they may only notice because I think of the knife to see two days holding hands in Publix but they still notice I don’t want them to notice because then our small intimate private little human jester has been turned into a statementand I don’t want it to be turned into a statement our little private jester like Schrödinger’s task is altered simply by being observed we live in this sort of homophobic worldand you might think that a small little thing like holding hands in public was just a small thingand you’re right it is indeed just a small thing but it is one of many small things that make us humanand there are lots of small things every day that LGBT people have to put up with that other people don’t have to put up with lots of small things that we have to but in order to be safe or not to be the object of ridicule or scornand we are expected to put up with those things I just thank our blessings that we don’t live in a country where we can be imprisoned or executed for being gayand we are so used in making those small adjustments every day that even now we rarity ourselves even notice that were doing it because it is just part of the background of our life is constant malign presence that we have assimilatedand if we complain about what we are told we have nothing to complain about because aren’t you lucky that you don’t live in Ugandaand yes I am lucky that I don’t live in Uganda but that’s not good enough this isn’t some sort of gamer competition where the person who has of the worst when the right to complainand everybody else had to just put up or shut up our society is homophobic it is infused with homophobia it is ripping with homophobia when you are 45 years old son you have spent 30 years putting out 30 years absorbing all of those small slightsand intimidationsand smearsand occasionally much worse you just get tired of it you get fed up putting up I am fed up of reading yet another article by yet another state versus explaining why I am less somehow than everybody else you get fed up listening to people described you as intrinsically disordered people who don’t even know you from their celibate pulpits you get fed up of the scrawled graffitiand you get fed up with people sneeringly describe things as did you get fed up of stealing yourself to pass by the Saturday night drunks hoping that they won’t notice youand you get fed up of people using their timeand energyand talent to campaign against you being treated just like every other citizen think these days you’ll find those very vocal homophobic clustered around the same sex marriage debateand it is quite the spectacle because what they know that they can’t come just right outand bluntly say what drives them which is an animus towards gay people Anna discussed what they imagine we do in bed because they know that that won’t wash with the general public anymore so they are forced to scramble for any other reason that they can think of to know argue their case so your gay people are going to destroy the institution of marriage to gay couples will be wandering through orphanages digging babies off shelf trying to find one that matches their UI TSO facts for that you are allowing gay people to get married will destroy society itselfand many many more including my own personal favorite is with the old argument that’s the word marriage is defined in some dictionary or other as a union between a manand a womanand that therefore same sex marriage can’t possibly be a marriage which is eight Kissling arguments against wordsand dictionariesand not an argument against same sex marriage of course now course the other real driver of homophobiaand you can all put your pearls here because I’m going to go here is a discussed with gay sex in particular with gay male sex the poor old lesbians just get caught the homophobic crossfire guilty by association because what they really don’t like is a no sex sodomy your bug orand they assume that that is all we do they feverishly imagine that we spent all day jumping around buttering each other’s on itand in fact what they actually do is recuse us down to this one sex at whether or not we do it at all I am 45 years oldand I am fed up putting up so I’m not anymore I’m 45 years old I’m not putting up anymore as I don’t have the energy anymore putting up is exhausting I am 45 years oldand I’m not putting up anymore because I don’t have the patience anymore 45 years old I was more to six months before the Stonewall riotsand you have had 45 years to work out that despite appearances I am just as ordinary just as unremarkableand just as human as you are I’m 45 years oldand I am not asking anymore I am just being human being thank you for your time there man elder brother Mikeand the daughter of parents were both empathetic Qand loving of the LGBT community in my household being gay wasand is no big deal but my brother came out we had them send the London now is that when you home his first boyfriend when he brought his first boyfriend now husband home for a couple of weeks on Christmas my father’s only comment to my mother was trying not to make supper underwear we had no idea that I would become recognizable because of my workand that we would become publicly labeled as having an alternative family lifestyle just for the record we don’t feel that there is actually anything alternative about our family values will for semantic reasons only it to some hesitation that I have the HIC ally award I don’t consider myself justand analyze the LGBT community I consider myself your family doing well do you with our familiesand loving you support you completely accept you as you are as I hope you do meand if anyone ever tries to hurt you given how there are many people who this many to say there are people who has said that I’m being brave for being openly supportive of gay marriage gay adoption basically of the rights that with all due respect I humbly sent I’m not being braveand being a decent human being even a word for that or for merely stating what I believe to be true that love is a human experience not a political statement we continue to put this movement forward close the gap we must demand full equality for all they say that this country is freeand they say that this country is equal but it is not equal to fix some time Obama I know that you’re listening will continue to push youand your administration to bring your words of promise to a reality we need to change now we demand actions nowand to Barney Frank we are putting more than pressure on this graphand today the grass is ours we will only do they continue to do the work in our own backyards with local politicians in my backyard as a woman in pop music as a woman with the most beautiful gay fans in the whole world you I refuse to accept any misogynisticand homophobic behavior in the lyrics or action in the music industry today continues I will equality for all I love you all so much in meaning really is wild for me to be standing here this is not been an easy journey for me at all I lived with a sense of shame for a long long time every single interview I did I dodge that dreaded question are you gay I tried it to be witty I tried to find ways to get around itand my answer was always my private life is my private lifeand it is but my sexuality is as much a part of me is my skin color we we we do whatever it takes you know we we try to justify why it’s importantand I tried’s for a long time did to justify why it should be hidden for as long as I couldand I finally got to the point where it was more important for me to live my life honestlyand then to be proud of who I am than my fameand ironically soon as I was honest I became a famous so much for those people who said it would ruin my career I really felt like the I was risking everything you because I had been worn for so long about what was going to doand I was willing to do risk alland and I was more than I could possibly even imagined my life is so goodand I found loveand what’s more important than that I hear stories all the time nowand it’s amazing what it does when you open up people that come to hear storiesand I get letters from people who tell me how I’ve touched their lifeand in in some wayand a letter from the 76 year old lesbian who said she can’t believe this happened in her lifetime now I have a meeting at all this to know that there were lesbian 76 years old lightning it it’s amazing you know I this man walked up to me in the street he was in the 70s or 80s a he’s watching me was in his 50s olderand he said I could love or respect you moreand I have everywhere I go I want down the streetand I have been in New York the past weekand I have construction workers giving me the thumbs up I have people’s dreaming out as they pass in the car giving the thumbs up I have menand women you know straight gay black white everybody coming up saying thank youand Iand and I keep it upand congratulations I have children coming out in just saying we think you’re funny now contribution you know it I got into this business very accidentallyand I worked out very well for me that I really a lot of people getting it for the for the success the same inand I am you realize that’s not really what life is about when you make the kind of change that that happened in my life when I did this my whole life turned aroundand I know I’ve done something I know when I leave here I’ve really done something it feels good I never wanted to be an activist I just wanted to entertain people I just want to make people feel good that since I’ve witnessed the discriminationand the double standardsand then heard about this statistics for the 18 suicides I had to rethink that by standing up for what I think is right makes me an activist I’m activist does have one more thing same is really I can just get up hereand we today like you know it I am writing thisand thinking I hope I remember I just at youand and being question when I walk in by the press about the president being hereand I’m lazy was amazing he was it was amazing inspired by him just in case there’s any questions just to let everybody know for sure was that question is I don’t understand how people don’t see itand yet you know wasn’t too long ago when I was scared to death to come out I was scared out of my mind the thing that happened to the president when people stand upand start screaming at ease the fear that I would do stand up I would I would come from important people would be allowed to just ask me questions for as long as they wanted I just talked to the audienceand every night when I went out there I feared someone standing upand saying you’re gay on she was scaredand it scared the hell out of meand yet I would not come outand so I do understand it because it is hard but I guess I guess I would like to save people as you know the world this is full of diversity let’s not just accept that let’s embrace itand I think you all very very much for this means so much to me those kind wordsand even kinder work that youand the human rights foundation do every day on behalf of the lesbian gay bisexualand transgender young people hereand across America is such an honor to be here at the inaugural time to thrive conference but it’s a little weird to hear I am in this realm because of an organization whose work that I deeply deeply admireand I’m surrounded by people who make it their life’s work to make other people’s lives better profoundly better some of you teach young people some of you help young people healand to find their voice some of you listen some of you take action some of you are young people yourselves in which case it’s even weirder for a person like me to be speaking to you it’s weird because here I am an actress representing at least in some sense an industry that places crushing standards on all of usand not just young people everyone standards of beauty have a good life of success standards that I hate to admit have affected me you have ideas planted in your head thoughts you never had before that tell you how you have to act how you have to dressand you have to beand I’ve been trying to push back to be authentic to follow my heart but it can be hard but that’s why I’m here in this room all of you all of us can do so much more together than any one person can do aloneand I hope that that thought bolsters you as much as it does me I hope that the workshops you go to over the next few days getting strength because I can only imagine that there are days when you’ve worked longer hours than your boss realizes or cares about just to help the kid who you know can make it days where you feel completely alone undermine or helplessand I know that they are people in this room who go to school every dayand get treated like shit for no reason you go homeand you feel like you can’t tell your parents the whole truth about yourselfand beyond putting yourself in one box or another you worry about the future about college or work or even your physical safetyand trying to create that mental picture of your life of what on earth is continue can question a little bit every dayand it is toxicand painfuland deeply unfairand sometimes it’s a little insignificant stuff that can carry down I try not to read gossip as a rule at the other day website ran an article with a picture of me wearing sweatpants on the way to the gymand the writer asked why does this petite beauty insist upon dressing like a massive man because I like to be comfortable there stereotypes about masculinityand femininity that the fines were all supposed to act dressand speakand they serve no one anyone who defies the so called norms becomes worthy of commentand scrutiny in the LGBT community knows this all too well if there is courage all around us the football hero Michael Sam actress Laverne Cox the musicians Teaganand Sarah clan the family that supports the daughter or son who has come outand there is courage in this room all of youand I’m inspired to be in this room because every single one of you is here for the same reason you are here because you adopted as a core motivation the simple fact that this world would be a whole lot better if we just made an effort to be less to one another took just five minutes to recognize each other’s beauty instead of each other for our differences it’s not hard it’s really an easierand better way to liveand ultimately it saves lives then again he can be the hardest thing because loving other people starts with letting ourselvesand accepting ourselvesand I know many of you have struggled with thisand I drop on your strengthand your support in ways that you will never knowand I am here today because I am gayand because aand because maybe I can make a difference help others easierand more hopeful time regardless for me I feel a personal obligationand a social responsibility I also do it selfishly because I’m tired of hidingand I’m tired of lying by omission I suffered for years because I was scared to be out my spirit suffered mental health suffered in my relationship sufferedand I’m standing here today with all of you the other sideand I am young yes what I have learned is that love the beauty of it the joy of it yes even the pain of it is the most incredible gift to giveand to receive as a human beingand we deserve to experience love only equally without shameand without compromise there too many kids out there suffering from bullying rejection simply being mistreated because of their too many dropouts too much use too many homeless too many suicides you can change that you are to that you never needed me to tell you thatand that’s why this was a little bit weird the only thing that I can really say is what I’d building up to is what I’ve been building up to the past five minutes thank you thank you for inspiring me thank you for giving me hopeand please keep changing the world for people like me happy Valentine’s Day I love you a is realizing you say is a duty to German is that walls six generation oiland engineering student at the University of Iowa those raised by two women from my biological mom Terry pulled her grandparentsand she was pregnant that the artificial insemination at work in the wouldn’t even acknowledge that it wasn’t until I was bornand they succumbed to my infantile cuteness that the broke downand told her that they were thrilled to have another grandson unfortunately neither of them lived to see her married her partner Jack 15 years when they waited 2009 younger sisterand only sibling was born in 1994 we accept the same anonymous donors were full siblings which is really cool you know it is the point is that our family really isn’t so different from any other Iowa family know when I’m home we go to church together we then are we going vacations about you know we have our hard times to get in fights actually my mom Terry was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 2000 is a devastating disease of put her in a wheelchair so we had our struggles but you know why we don’t expect anyone to solve our problems for us will fight her own battles we just hope reborn fair treatment from our government being a student at the University of Iowa topic of same sex marriage comes up quite frequently in classroom discussions you know in question always comes down to welcome days even raise kids in question you know the conversation is quite formal is multiple don’t really have an answer in a raise my hands actually I was raised by gay couple I’m doing pretty well escorting 99 on the ACT I’m actually an Eagle Scout I will not bring my own small business about your son was German I believe would make you very proud not really so different from any of your children my family really isn’t so different from yours fastball your family doesn’t drive it since award from being told by the state you’re married congratulations no the sense of family comes from the commitment we make to each other to work through the hard times we can enjoy the good ones it comes from the love that binds us that’s what makes a family lawyer voting here is to change us is not to change your family just a change of the law use us how the law treats us were voting for the first time in the history of our state to codify discriminationand our Constitution a Constitution that but for the proposed amendment is the least amended Constitution of the United States of America you’re telling I went that some among you are second class citizens who do not have the right to marry the person you love will this will affect my family were defectors over the next two hours of were going to hear plenty of testimony about how damaging having a parent is on his but my 19 years not once have I ever been confronted by an individual who realized independently that was raised by gay couple you know why because the sexual orientation my parents is a serial effect content like her very much this is one of the foundational myths of anti gay activism gay people are out to get kids that’s the gay agenda to recruit kids to be gay because that’s how gay people get that way they’re learning to it by recruiters who sexually abuse them as kidsand thereby turn them gay so posing a people’s rights as a means of protecting the children from the galas I say this is a mess because of people whose job it is to these things they’ve proved that the American psychological Association says homosexual men are not more likely to sexually abuse children than heterosexual men are no specific psychosocial or family dynamic cause for homosexuality has been identified including histories of childhood sexual abuse that horse does not stop anti gay activists from making that assertion that the people are out to recruit kids making that assertion overand over again Jerry Falwell telling supporters of his old time gospel hour by direct mail in 1981 please remember homosexuals do not reproduce the recruitsand many of them are after my childrenand your children Sen. I started to read pose more morning started talking he was talking about love is unity humanity is loving and type shit the weapon is love you know is a rough free toys like this in our faces the to to the show just is just to show how stupid we are in I have to take a step back and realize like you know these are human beings to do just fucking you know saying they’re completely fucking head and they want us to they want us to hate them because they feed off that hatred because once we start hating them the likelihood of us getting violent taken actions against them will increase which will give them now an opportunity to play big so we destroy our enemies and love you don’t take pleasure in destroying enemies you just do it because it needs to be done by blackline matter for example they literally eat white people they’ve always hated white the entire premise of their organization is the hatred for white people now look what’s happened that hate is now being manifested in murder and not only murder of adults Funny Save A Semi Ride A Trucker T Shirt Save A Semi Ride A Trucker T Shirt, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women Save A Semi Ride A Trucker T Shirt More than Funny other products Premium Trending This Summer Season will Presents Who Love: Pouty again once again is lying to the American people because we we have already reached herd immunity and if you saw that chart I showed you a Save A Semi Ride A Trucker T Shirt couple of streams ago of the deaf numbers in Florida what you see the PC case number is going up and at the same time as he deaf numbers going down that is called herd immunity and people are still in fear of this of this virus that’s not really doing much harm at all but the reason why there in fear of this virus is because frauds like froggy and the World Health Organization and the CDC are blatantly lying to people and because these people are dockers and licensed physicians in their giving people deliberately giving people false information and is leading to physical harm of these people who are listening to them I personally believe that they are guilty of medical malpractice at the very least at the very if not mass murder but fortunately like I said a lot of people again sick and is mass bullshit and this is from morning makes a lot the Washington. Ready to go primarily at the reference labs conquest lab core and a couple others now it doesn’t matter if they are not in your neighborhood because every day when people get tasks a little white box goes out in front gets shipped by an incredible distribution system the test result in electronically reported so these are available to people nationwide we expect more and more than 1 million coming on board this week as the reagents come up in his people out with the testing capacity validate that in their own hospitals and other and other places in the future we expect at least 2 million next week at least 5 million week thereafter there are also a whole growth of with called laboratory to determine testing or laboratory derive testing where individual laboratories because of the regulatory deregulation of the FDA can develop their own test and start using severe clear certified lab with complexity you can do that so the point is testing is now entering sort of we normally do in the healthcare system where. Is to continue carrying out his duties with well updated future at the tower of saigon temple be able to carry on a daily now as well be that you are works including the confirmation from the supreme court with everything and be very and downtown will not have the ability to carry a to and if you were to stand by with me for just a moment’s more questions for you but I want to bring in laura mcquillan laura’s following timeline to all of this every laura look at the white house again for just a moment flora by way of introduction for all of the new york times is reporting again these are new york times sources that we are not independent corroboration but what the new york times is saying the president is showing symptoms of coded 19 miles while he was in a fundraiser you tell us about on thursday and according to people who were there he was lethargic easier at people who were in attendance in new jersey so that new jersey event is a big part of the timeline for all of this as people look to the moment when See Other related products: unicorn shirts and shirt

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