Wednesday, January 13, 2021

This Woman Will Never Own Enough Books And Cows T Shirt

Program earlier in the night to sean hannity again last as well he spoke about the pandemic and how the insight and is inside with donald trump’s words keep appearing the video you’re about to see remotely from the white house to guests and patrons at a This Woman Will Never Own Enough Books And Cows T Shirt charity dinner fundraiser in new york we mourn for all of those who lost a loved one in a memory we will defeat the virus through advances in treatment we have reduce the fatality rate by 85 since just april we are on track to develop and distribute a vaccine before the end of the year and maybe substantially before and I just want to say that the end of the pandemic is in sight of the pandemic is installed donald trump just last night as he spoke remotely to the alfred e smith dinner at the traditional campaign event was held virtually because of the pandemic bodies before he himself confirmed that he and his wife have tested positive for coded 19 so again is kind of the message we had from the president at the end of the virus and the pandemic is nearing a. Situations of this nature but the latest negative for all of those team members of the trump administrations impact of all of the let’s turn to it now with me this morning his professor andrea gillespie season of associate prof of political science at emory university been on our network many times before i’ve never had the pleasure speaking to prof but i’m delighted to welcome me this morning thank you for being my last know if you are when the tweet at 1 o’clock in the morning or if you awaken to the news to give me a first reaction to donald trump’s positive diagnosis when taking a quick sleep kitty people really you race may be interesting to you ray that I was going if you are surprised given that we seen so many times over these months he does not wear the mask he does not socially discuss the indoor rallies thousands of people since the rules of the public health guidelines as you quite rightly point out no one not in the strongest opponents I wish this morning I do want to know what you think boris johnson. Sen Harris raise her right hand is swear the oath of office as the first woman ever serve the second highest office in American this land and get to work fixing a massive president shop and vice president created both at home and abroad through four years of mismanagement and coddling of terrorist and thugs around the world not only will American itself out of this hole they put us in working to builder to build back to build better the public health crisis while in court trying to do away with healthcare

Source: This Woman Will Never Own Enough Books And Cows T Shirt

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X was supposed to be in that one maybe you introduce a This Woman Will Never Own Enough Books And Cows T Shirt new professor Xand thus a new team that way but will see I just don’t know how much patience people now third set of X Men third set of the same characters but only when you’re not digesting me to my founders also did believe it or not not only are they still trimming are they going to make a Deadpool to but they are at it again according to chart or developing a Deadpool three that might introduce exports to significantly Deadpool to vent X forces team could show upand Deadpool three Deadpool yes would be a really cool if you take the tone the tone that will go in that direction by all means just So you think that’s worse than could be the future of excellent French toast looking for a version direction I would that youand also you can bring in new characters by every double movie having a breakfast scene from Deadpool like it’s two different charactersand set up lossesand another character you just keep bringing Amanda like okay you are shooting at breakfast are well let’s move on from X Men to fantastic beasts to his young Dumbledore yes which is emphasized the wrong salon lawfuland what we heard even the early fan event that Josh went to I know you must have seen fantastic be sent them Joshua’s review will be coming Saturdayand I have a he will not tell me any spoilers trying he did what a jerk writing with Harry Potter’s not quite my gym since I now I know people gave assassin the comments before repeating me for my fandom is the news that a young double doors coming is surprising anyone can think is finally going to see you I think the real young compared to Michael Gambetta massive beard Dumbledore who we now I am a sexy goateed door will be cut probably want Dumbledore to be sexy personally but that’s your cup of tea have it with milkand honey like the Brits do but I would imagine that this casting of the young Dumbledore will be comparable to the giant at casting of griddle we know he is playing at Keller Grindle on was more interesting though is that JK Rowling at if you were paying attention to Harry Potter beyond the page I we found out after the event to Debbie Hollis that I Dumbledore is gay JK Rowling in that way it doesn’t affect the story at all it’s just shading in characterand talking with reporters it sounds like she’s she’s like we got we have five movies in total will certainly explore that relationshipand probably bring in that side of him more than when he was a teacher that Harry Moore is just a characterand active character in his universe interesting to make it more part of the canon any any jesses on who should play my art is art I was thinking you Harris who is Richard Harris is on the original Dumbledoreand many past where brother Michael Gammon maybe have as young Dumbledore or is a leading question because we had an email chain going about it now that had this will be the perfect person I think the thing that stripping the app as they would need a really good chemistry with Johnny He Is Esteemedand Actor for I Just Don’t Think Antwerp Has the Right Place for the Spry Energy of I Think I Know When I Think He Needs a Baby Named I’ve Been Stumped on This There’s No One Present on the List I Was Is Not Inspired Which after Having Been in theand There Are Many Left Just to Listen for This One Should Put on the Ball Dumbledore What’s up What’s Move on to Move on This I’m Going for Segue Hereand Return This Is a Way I Picture One Word Every Single One Will Have To Create an Image of Me Know Just Have a Logo for Keeping It Real Him on As You Think Is Ridiculous Idea for Divorce of Malaria in the City of Thousand Planets of the Smooth Sounds of Coming Allocation of the French Graphic Novel Series with Academic 60sand 1970sand It Looks It Looks Interesting What Was What’s up with That the Trailer Was Also a Aseptic You Know Is Will We’ve Had a Couple of Years of Science based Sci Fi Movies at the Martianand Interstellar in This Kind of This Weekend’s Arrivaland Arrival Which I Can’t Wait to See I Have Been Dealing with Thoughts All We’ve Have Those Filmsand Then You We on the TV Side We’ve Had You Know the Post Battle Star Galactica Kind of Gritty Sci Fi Type Saucepan You Back on Itself All All the Stuff in Sci Fi’s Been Doing Also the Good Work Alland so It’s It’s Been A While since We’ve Had since Briley Almost As Guardians of You Seems Big Spacey Sci Fi’s Spaceships Alien Monsters That’s Not Star Wars so I’m Kind of Excitedand It Definitely I Was Surprised at How Big It Looked They Were Mostly Multiple Locations Multiple Aliens Different Textures of Everything Looked Different All Excited I Watched the Trailer That Openings Event Is like This Is Exactly What I Would Hope for from Olympus on Another Sort of Different Just Tired Yeah I Love I Am in Akita Yes I Get A Lot Of Settlement Buys Where Development Was a French Farce Not Always a Sci Fi French Farce on This One Seems a Bit More Force People Were Now You Did You Get It Is a I Watching the Trailerand It Felt to Me like If He Made a Comment Now I Think It Would Have the Special Effects Aliens Look Really Cooland Different but I Was Watching I Would like Get What This Movie Especially Which Necessarily Beat Me to Be a Bad Thing but I Just I Myself Connectedand Also Cardinality like I Could Really Want to Leave I Could Just Leave Her When She Does Doesn’t Tell Me for Meand Everything except for the Dénouementand Cardell Avina but All Which Is Are the Two Main Characters like He’s Valerian in This Movie That That to Me I They Would Strip It with Other Little Maybe I Would Care More This Is What Kind of Conversation for What’s in the Trailer This Was like Our Conversations about Real One Where When What You I Saw the Original Trailers Which Are Not Store Trailers or Traditional Teasers or Muncher Number We Are As I Was Jimmy Look at That but I Think This Is the Same Fate Where You See You People Been Talking about It All the Basalt Making His Hundred 50 Million Movie What Is Look like Lucy Posterand the Literally Nothing Else That It’s like All Curators Will Tell You Stories Later This so I Am Just so That Himself As a the Next Trailer Will Be a Story Based Trailer so Look for That Later I Believe They’re Actually Working I Hope It Works Because I Think It Is Interesting You Imagine the Road One Trailer to Talk More about Rogue One All That but You Know the Star Wars Films in Lucas You Know His Influence by a Wide Array of Things Obviously for Star Wars It’s Been Well Documented so Secret but Valerian Comics Do Have Some Actual Sequences That the Star Wars Movies Later Did Valerian Do It at First There Is Basically a Frozen in Carbonite Dinners Are Darth Vader Looking Characters and I Think John Carter You Exact Answer You’re Actually Giving My Wasn’t Even down the System Is How Well We Really so Yeah John Carter Had That Same Problem All of We Do the First but Everyone Thinks Were Ripping offand That Message across Decadesand Decadesand Decades Ago I’m in John Carter Were so Far Back at Such an Old Property Just Don’t Think That That the Source Material for Valerian Had Any Resident like Please Let Us Know If You’ve If You Read Claire before I Know I Is Reading It Right Now It Usually Likes It but I Just Don’t Think That It Has a Name Value like an Interesting John Carter Was like Ever like He Loved John Carter so Much You Think This Is Supermanand No One Else out That Wayand I Wonder If This Is a Similar Thing Here I Feel Is like the V Adaptation This Is Less of an Adaptation Because for for Most of for A Lot Of Audiences Here This Is the Property Were Familiar with Right Anyways so We’re Seeing It As a New Sci Fiand I’ll Take It Is That I Don’t Have To Have Any Kind of Identification with the Source I Do Wonder the Just from a Business Perspective Do You Need Something That’s a More Recognizable IP If You Don’t Have That Marble or Disney Brand in Front I See Valerian Mop Overseas I Certainly Hope Not As I Will Be Watching Just Rebootsand Re Translations Sequels for the Next 10 or 20 Years I Don’t Think I Can Get Their Podcast Anymore without Bringing Suicides by Basing Carnality All I Can Picture Is like Her Enchantress Danceand I Re Gifts That Were Not Get Is so Everyone Thinks It You’re Missing out the Loops Knows Seriously. Home within the white house during a convalescence rest assured I expect the president to continue carrying out his duties without disruption while recovering and I will keep you updated on any further developments out the reason of such a arguably mystery around this is that we know so little about his health condition some of this has to do with his history of doctors is a long time personal physician dr harold bornstein areas there in new york the condition that he reported the present he said the strength and stamina was extraordinary at the same time though admitting that the president had effectively written in that letter for him to sign ronnie jackson a presidential advisor in all of this famously having to resign because of a scandal around there said he had incredible jeans and said if he had improved his diet he could live to be 200 a shot of him recently at west point seem to be unsteady is tweet out of a bad thing there was no handrail and it was slippery still saw him have to go to the walter. Extraordinary public and private partnership today by some estimates when you add all the labs together and today the president and made it possible for every state in the country and their state labs to authorize labs across their state to do coronavirus testing we were were estimating somewhere between 15 and 20 000 tests a day are able to be performed but very soon with with the program that was announced today Americans will be able to visit one of the sites closest to them as described on the website if they’re symptomatic if the questionnaire indicates it be able to have a test there in these incredible companies will will process the test then and now receive that information but for now the best advice we can give for people is to speak to their doctor is present just that and if the doctor indicates that that physician if it’s not a university hospital or otherwise authorized lab can contact the state lab again every say lab in the country can perform test today with Pres charged us with when
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