Monday, January 25, 2021

A Woman Cannot Suvive On Christmas Movies Alone She Also Needs A Westie T Shirt

Donald Trump is already started his attacks calling quote nasty whiny about how she is quote mean to his appointees is no surprise because whining is what Donald Trump does best in any president in American history is anyone surprised now Trump is a A Woman Cannot Suvive On Christmas Movies Alone She Also Needs A Westie T Shirt problem with a strong women are strong women across the board we know the more succumb let’s be clear if you’re working person worried about whether or not you have a job to go to when not to be able to pay her mortgage pay your rent worried about the poison in the air you breathe the water you drink worried about your civil rights in your basic right to dignity which is under attack. Looking at doing it on the international flights coming out of areas that are heavily infected as you know Brazil is getting to that category I think negative be okay I hope to be okay’s and a good friend of mine but dad the president but I think that will look at it from the standpoint I was discussing that with the governor of Florida with Ron little while ago so would be looking at that coming in from other countries frankly but South America seems to be one less talk about because I have so much business going into Florida with all of that being said Florida is done incredibly well and is starting to open up and open up very rapidly but we will be looking into that in the very near future were looking at a very strongly either the airlines or government one of the other will working with the airlines maybe it’s a combination of the Christian you are what you are way ahead of everyone and testing we haven’t been given now the press in terms of I think fairness of the press but that’s okay in this way. Never forget what happened this could have been stopped in China they should’ve stopped it and they didn’t but I’m asking Congress to pass additional legislation to support Americans in need first we want a temporary extension of expanded unemployment benefits this will provide a critical bridge for Americans illustrate jobs to the pandemic through no fault of their row this is not anybody’s fault from the standpoint of jobs happened terrible thing happened been stopped it happened I want to thank Senate Republicans are fighting to extend unemployment benefits today and the face of very strong Democrat obstruction which I’m surprised that because this is great for our country and it’s great for all workers and was in a workers fault second where asking Democrats to work with us to find a solution that will temporarily stop evictions with her not want people who have lost their jobs due to the virus to be evicted from their homes or apartments you want that to happen third we need Democrats to join us to pass

Source: A Woman Cannot Suvive On Christmas Movies Alone She Also Needs A Westie T Shirt

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A Woman Cannot Suvive On Christmas Movies Alone She Also Needs A Westie T Shirt
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You can’t really do stairway to heaven it’s kind stairway to heaven you know what I mean also a A Woman Cannot Suvive On Christmas Movies Alone She Also Needs A Westie T Shirt levee breaks my God what a closer you know this is just another solid direct 40 minute straightforward album from Led Zeppelin but I think I’m is as far as that formula goes this is really where they perfected that you I think the band went on to do weirderand more experimental stuff from hereand I think they were kind of aware that a Catholic is only so much we can do with this format I which is why to start branching on doing different things after this point but still of forest pretty much like just the quintessential hard rock album in my opinionand it just has to do is just how flawless the performances are how amazing every single track is how some of Led Zeppelin’s best songs really that some of the best rock songs of all time are on this album no questionand the performances are fantastic to know each project the performances get betterand betterand betterand is as far straightforward hard rock albums go I really think it gets much better than for you not only in the Led Zeppelin catalog but just in general you know four is in my opinion one of the best if that is not the best hard rock album of all time delicious move onto the next one is I think of the greatness of a four mostly speaks for itself now houses of the holy is Led Zeppelin’s next full length album in 1973 so they they took some time with this one dayand you know you can really tell because this record is one of the more out there Led Zeppelin albums it is celebrated by many it is loved by manyand I could I could see why there some amazing songs on this one I mean no quarter is great sorrow means the same as good also of the ocean is amazing however some of my least favorite Led Zeppelin songs are on this recordand the tracks outside of those unit most notable singles are from the Led Zeppelin catalog are most legendary songs just can hit me as a little bland or little underwhelming I mean the bands attended trying to do a funk song with the crunch as well as a reggae song layerand the tracklist to a two do not sit well with me I know I know that many people consider I had houses the holy to be one of the bands best nearly a perfect record it is certainly a favorite of some Led Zeppelin fans it is not for me though that I would not say it’s like awful I would probably put it in the C category at yet that’s it’s just my personal feelings my personal thoughts you can hate is likeand that’s fine that that’s really I feel about this record I mean arguably some amazing tracks on it also so my least favorite Led Zeppelin songs other tracks you sent me is as okay but as far as the C category goes this album is is probably can be the best one was move onto the next one physical graffiti physical freaking graffiti some would argue this is Led Zeppelin’s last great record last amazing record I guess maybe you could say that I came in 1975 is a little ways after houses of the holyand this record is fantastic this record is amazing I this is another Led Zeppelin album in the catalog that I don’t really have that much are critical to say despite the fact that this album is 80 minutes longand in my opinion those are 80 goddamn flawless minutes the production on this thing takes fucking ass there so many fresh funky groove inand insane sounds all over this album from the the start track custard pie to also Cashmere Jesus Christ Cashmere’s probably one of the most well produced rock song of all time one must take rock songs of all time the strings Dan it was rare during that time the string section work into a rock track so welland sure there are plenty of other examples that you could cite like the Beatles but Led Zeppelin just keeps this amazing groupand pace with that string section strings don’t really take away from how hardand aggressiveand explosive the song is I was it really only adds to that so I know that that’s one of many fantastic examples of great songs on this record which again is 80 minutes of material on this thingand every track is kicks ass I don’t know what what else to say about this track I mean in my time of dying is fantastic country woman is a little weird toward the end with those acoustic guitarsand Robert Plant whining about getting a beer turn his faceand everything but is still the track is kinda tongue in cheekand funny I just don’t really have anything negative to say about this record I think every song in in the tracklist itself is just so versatileand dynamic so much ground is covered across this recordand some of the just creative use of the factsand since occasionally hereand there had so much to the album to Led Zeppelin really branching out on this one it’s amazing to get this incredible nightand day difference between the bands debutand this record over here which some may see as a indulgent dad is an indulgent album attacking us through that indulgence that Led Zeppelin explore some really incredible territory on this one so I set out for this one last year to at the end I think physical graffiti is an amazing album I do get so one of the greatest rock albums of all time I would do you say it’s just a solid is for obviously I think I appreciate physical graffiti for its its lengthand its ambitionand I think there’s a you know elements of that that you know you might put over Led Zeppelin for but still Led Zeppelin force fantastic for being a straightforwardand hard hitting is direct as it is physical graffiti is more of I guess I’ll say journey let’s move on past this album which is what you get this leg of the Led Zeppelin discography post physical graffiti Led Zeppelin a lot of fans turn it year almost as if Led Zeppelin stopped coming out any worthwhile stuffand that’s honestly just not true so we have Led Zeppelin presents their 1976 album which there is some stuff about this record that is not as good as it could’ve been because as the story goes Robert Plant at this point in the bands career I had been in the car crashand he was injured performing out of a wheelchair during at least some of the sessions of this albumand I don’t know what it is was him sitting was still in dealing with the trauma post the car crash I don’t know his vocals are totally where they would be expected to be given how great is both performances have been on pretty much every Led Zeppelin album up until this point there are moments on this record were even his voice is a bit more buried in the mix then you would want Robert Plant to be also on presence sees Led Zeppelin reeling back a little bit reeling in a little bit as this album is not so much breaking any ground or experimenting or writing songs in a new novel refreshing way it’s it’s it’s pretty much continuing a lot of the soundsand a lot of the refs send the bombast today at the band had had achieved on the past couple of records though that seems like a lot of the experimentation seems to melt away this album is not nearly as adventurous as a physical is not nearly as adventurous as has the holy but still there there good songs on this one there’s good songwriting on this one of the production is really solid as well so even if plants voice is not the best that it is on every other Led Zeppelin album it’s still decentand that unit there isn’t as much while the experimentation on this record as there is on other albums the performances he knows far as the drum the guitarsand bass are still really good the writing is still very good the refs are quality I would not you know this this record are thrown in the trash or anything like that I would encourage Led Zeppelin fans to give it a try but it’s I’ll be in C category is a terrible terrible it also terrible by any stretch of the imaginationand honestly I don’t think Led Zeppelin ever came out with a record that was a complete garbage so I think that Hardy cannot spoils my thoughts on in through the outdoor which I will also on place in the C category but still I like the record quite a bit set a bad album that all there a lot of the good tracks on this record I could see why some Led Zeppelin fans ignore this one I there’s a lot of sense sonnet it’s easily Led Zeppelin’s probably most pop centric most commercially friendly sound they’ve ever drummed up in their entire discographyand the Led Zeppelin most certainly already at this point laid down the groundwork for the era of hard rockand hair metal to come after the 70s you know yet at this point already you were not going to get a gunsand roses you were not going to get a of Van Halen without first to Led Zeppelin but I feel like a record like in through the outdoor just further solidifies that musical lineage with the friendlier guitar tonesand with those synthesizers that are on a lot of tracks here which I sent very smooth between opening guitar riff in the drum be in the synthesizers on in the evening the opening track this one I needed it sounds like a on African new wave song to sound like a new wave song or what what would be a new wave rock song to the just a handful of years later so on is as roughand maybe as a I do know a little cringe inducing as a few of the sounds on this album may be because you like this Led Zeppelin sounding this way why does this sound like a potand that is the is record a lot of credit for being ahead of the curve into a really setting the stage for a lot of the rockand pop music to come shortly after it actually wouldn’t be until the mid 80s that some hard rockand progressive rock groups that Led Zeppelin were contemporaries of like yes I would actually embrace the sounds of synthpopand new wave Led Zeppelin were it seems even had of the curve on that at least a little bit I would not discount this album I would not write this album off I would not throw this album into the dustbin of history especially since I think it’s influence rippled on pretty far the band even though that in canal with another record past this point with the suddenand tragic passing of John Anna is on to something with this record they were on the verge of something that a lot of other artists would take the torch onand continue forward with but that who knows what I could develop from here had they continue to using sent sinand writing music that was maybe just a little bit of deerand catchier which is not naturally bad thing so I’m going to leave it that has been our Led Zeppelin tier list here with stuff for an physical graffiti in ass love those perfect if not nearly perfect albums out love threeand eight year we had one intoand be as the holy presence in through the outdoorand seedierand everything else is completely left empty because Led Zeppelin my paintings are canal the God awful albumand album it’s not worth listening to not worth trying great tracks on every single album just different sounds different flavors different sounds different styles different eras I guess you could say in their career even though all of these records that occurred within a relatively short period of time is a lot of material within the span of time it was upand drop it so amazing amazing fantastic stuffand Delano your thoughts down in the comments where you would cheerand rank of these albums I’m sure I will hear about that next my head is another video that you can check out for the link to subscribe to the channel Anthony Santana Led Zeppelin the forever Hey everyone Anthony Pantano here internets busiest music nerd hope you doing welland it is time for a tear list right go over the core studio albums of an artist or a bandand I basically tear those records in their album catalog out with S being most epic tearand S being the worst year though this is a Led Zeppelin tear list so I doubt we will have anything to do with that or or even that even not to continue to spoil this video I Led Zeppelin legendary hard rock outfit from the UK one of the most consistently good creative exciting thrilling explosiveand influential bands of all time incredibly solid discography which fans have disagreed for years as to which one of their albums is the best albumand I’m sure that this video will stir some conversation around that is I have some particular opinions on some particular albums in the Led Zeppelin discard so without any further ado let’s rank these albums out starting with their debut recordand going all the way to a in through the outdoor were not going to cover coda as that album is mostly just some leftoversand some alternate takes so onand so forth so just focus on the good stuff the important stuff out Led Zeppelin debut album Led Zeppelin won the first one came out in 1969 the iconic cover of the is upand going down in a ball of flames what about this album is a good recordand it’s a solid record at the library tracks on this lunchand like every Led Zeppelin album there are some incredible classics on your with your talking about good times bad times data in the lead you communication breakdown which is one of my favorite Led Zeppelin songs all timeand who can forget dazedand confused the Robert plants vocal performances on the track are insane also that the very sinister wailing guitar lead that the Jimmy page plays all over the track so Led Zeppelin the record off there’s anything that holds this album back is that not every song on the project is exciting I do think that at this stage in their career really the first two Led Zeppelin albums the band is still sounding pretty rough around the edgesand blemished at this point clearly the performances on this record were not perfect the production on this album is not perfectand there are some elements of Led Zeppelin’s songwriting still this point that I think are in an incubator stage I mean look the previous experience of everyone in the band especially Jimmy page with Yardbirdsand so onand so forth put Led Zeppelin in a position where when they arrived on the scene with this record it was almost like they were they were fully formed you know that it wasn’t really count like that that. Terrorism tires to talk me out of the New York New Jersey can be the rest of the tools would you use to those kinds of life think it’s that I think it’s a great question Elaine but it really does begin with us reforming our immigration system and putting the interest particular safety and security the American people first when Donald Trump is as called for extreme vetting for people coming in to this country so that we we don’t bring people into the United States who are hostile to our Bill of Rights freedoms for the American way of life but also Donald Trump and are committed to suspending the Syrian refugee program and and programs and immigration from areas of the world and then compromised by terrorism Hillary Clinton can want to increase his hearing refugee program by 500 or so but but first you know let’s let’s let’s make sure were putting the safety and security the American people first instead of Lori Clinton expanding the shore for violating the Constitution that by blocking people based on. Laredo already forgot how are you stopping from the community are problem authorities politically we have a very experienced the medical authority with a survey been testing and the segregating to segregate the positives and negatives and within the same facility and then they that wait until 14 days have expired with no symptoms before they can actually release that facility from the quarantined aspect and border patrol announced a new contract about 17 miles of border wall here in Laredo believe that this is a way to each there a notes and our people are close is no physical structures but yet the little government is pursuing the wall that issued that contract and will just wait and see what time brings up another the talents and others private owners to challenge the illegally that that the system of the federal government but only time will tell Holly an incredibly serving a community Laredo Pakistan find thank you for all you have to do is elicit
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